The lichen that is pictured to the left and just below this caption is called Antlered Perfume (Evernia prunastri). It has dull greenish-white antler shaped leaf structures, hence the reference to antlers in the name. These "antlers" stand semi-erect or hang off of whatever it grows on. As epiphytic organism, it is found growing mainly in open lowland areas on deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs. (Pojar & Mackinnon 1994) I found this specimen growing on a fallen tree branch at the beginning of Boren Park trail.
The mushrooms pictured to the right and just below this caption are unknown to me at this time. I found these specimens growing in a hollow formed by an uprooted tree. They have a light to dark brown cap that gets progressively lighter in color almost becoming a light tan color at the cap edges. There was a strange odor emanating from the hollow were tiny gnats flying around inside.
The unknown mushroom pictured above and to the right of this caption was found growing out of the side of a log. It seems to have an ear shape with a cap that is light tan and is covered with white crackling marks. This specimen was probably no more than two and half centimeters in diameter.
The tiny unknown mushrooms pictured above were growing out of a very decomposed log. They have a shiny brownish-translucent one centimeter cap that stands precariously atop a tall stalk. They almost look like they are made of gelatin.
I found this little guy growing up through the leaf litter at the bottom on a tree near an exposed root. It has a slightly ruffled edge on a light brown cap. It has lines that radiate out from the center of the cap to the edges. Not sure what kind of mushroom it is but it was well camouflaged. I am still not sure how I managed to notice it in the first place.I moved some leaf litter in order to photograph the specimen.
The lichen pictured above and to the left of this caption is called Dust Lichen (Lepraria species). Up close it is made up of whitish powdery granules and typically grows on sheltered bark (Pojar & Mackinnon 1994). This colony has found the north side of this tree to be a well sheltered spot.
The unknown mushrooms pictured above and to the left of this caption were the smallest of all of the fungi I photographed in the park. I would estimate that the bright white caps were no more than half a centimeter. Interestingly enough the caps are supported by an unbelievably tall and delicate stalk. Although very tiny, they were very easy to spot.
The meaty mushrooms to the left and below this caption were all over this one particular spot along the trail. They are relatively large, about the size of a baseball and are a brownish-orange color. They have a wavy upturned cap with the gills exposed. Something I found interesting was that seemed to be growing right next to pieces of cut wood but not on the wood. This area is very wet and I presume the wood is retaining moisture for these mushrooms to thrive.
The lichen pictured to the right and below this caption is called Cladonia Scales (Cladonia species). It has a greenish-greyish scale which makes it very recognizable. I found this specimen growing near the base of a large bigleaf maple tree.
The lichen to the left of this caption is called Ragbag (Paltismatia glauca). This specimen was growing on one of the many felled trees that block the Boren Park trail. I had to be careful not to disturb the colony as I climbed over the fallen tree. This lichen produces a pale blueish-green lobed leaf structure that clings to the side of the trees. (Pojar & MacKinnon 1994) I am not sure what the reddish discoloration is but according to the field guide ragbag is a "bewilderingly variable species" (Pojar & MacKinnon 1994) so I presume this is a slightly different variety than the one pictured in the field guide. Or maybe it changes color in the fall as well.
The last mushrooms I will share for this journal entry are the ones pictured to the right of this caption. These unknown little puffballs made me laugh. Initially I thought I found a large puffball type mushroom buried deep in a small tree hollow. Turns out that large puffball was a really a Titleist brand golf ball. Unfortunately, I did not take a photograph of the golf ball but while getting up from the tree hollow I spotted these two oddly shaped puffball mushrooms right next to me. I laughed because it was just too coincidental that I would find the very mushroom I just mistook for a golf ball at my feet.
Iată un medic excelent pe bază de plante care m-a vindecat de Hepatită B. Numele său este Dr. Imoloa. Am suferit Hepatita B timp de 11 ani, eram foarte slabă cu dureri pe tot corpul, stomacul mi s-a umflat și cu greu puteam mânca. Și într-o zi fratele meu a venit cu un medicament pe bază de plante de la medicul Imoloa și mi-a cerut să beau și am băut, deci, nu există nicio speranță și iată că, după 2 săptămâni de la luarea medicamentului, am început să simt alinare, stomacul meu umflat a început să se micșoreze și durerile dispăruseră. Am devenit normal după finalizarea medicamentului, am mers la spital și am fost testat negativ, ceea ce înseamnă că m-am vindecat. De asemenea, poate vindeca următoarele boli cu ajutorul medicamentelor sale pe bază de plante ... lupus, febră de fân, rujeolă, dureri corporale, tuse uscată, hepatită diabetică ABC, ulcer bucal, cancer de gură, boală cu sare biliară, deficiență folică, diaree, boli cardiovasculare, Neoplasme, boli respiratorii cronice, tulburări mentale și de comportament, inflamatorii hepatice / renale, cancer de ochi, boala cancerului de piele, malarie, boli renale cronice, hipertensiune arterială, otrăvire alimentară, boală parkinson, cancer intestinal, cancer osos, tumori cerebrale, astm, artrita, epilepsie, fibroza chistica, boala lyme, dureri musculare, holera, oboseala, dureri musculare, lipsa de respiratie, tuberculoza, boala alzhemerului, artrita reumatoida, tulburari de anxietate, dureri de spate, boala Crohn, insuficienta renala cronica, leucemie mieloida acuta, acuta pancreatită, boală inflamatorie cronică articulară, boală inflamatorie intestinală, boala Addison, acnee la spate, cancer de sân, bronșită alergică, boală Celia, boala bulimia, congeni bolile de inimă, ciroza, spectrul alcoolului fetal, constipația, infecția fungică a unghiilor, fabromialgia, (vraja de dragoste) și multe altele. este un mare om de plante. Contactați-l pe e-mail; Puteți ajunge și la el pe whatssap- +2347081986098.